This event will take place on August 20th and we need to get as many alumni there as we can. This event will be
held in conjunction with Phired Up and will be a great day to see the new recruitment tools the guys are learning and visit the campus.
Meeting will be held in the HMSU building, room 307.
- 8:30 – 9:00 Light breakfast offered by the Alumni Association
- 9:00 – 11:00 Interactive recruitment education. Josh from Phired Up to lead.
- 11:00 – 1:00 (Undergraduate) On Campus Recruitment. “Boots on the Ground”
(Alumni) Lunch in the commons and campus tour. - 1:00 – 2:00 Back in the class room for Finance discussion and Formal planning
- 2:00 – 3:00 Discussion over “Boots on the Ground” activity.
- 3:00 – 5:00 RECRUITMENT!!! No one left behind!!!
- 5:00 – till over Alumni / Active dinner and Bowling. New member recruits welcome.
We have been able to reserve 10 room for this weekend at the CandleWood Suites. They would not let us set up a room block so you will need to email Zac Garner if you want to get a room transferred into your name. Rate is 139.99 + 13.5% tax. Please email Zac at
We need to support the guys in this new way of recruitment. The more alumni we have the stronger the bond. Please make all efforts to join us.
This will be a mandatory event for any active undergraduate member wishing to be active this semester.