2016 Alumni Recruiting Competition

Sigma Tau Gamma Alumni – Recruiting competition – there’s cash involved!


2016 / 2017 has been designated the year that we “Grow the Party, Add to the List, Bring a Brother with you”. To do that we need your help.

As with all things Sig Taus do, it seems that nothing gets us moving like a little friendly competition, so here’s how this will work:

  • The contest will start June 19th (Father’s Day – it just seemed fitting) and end at midnight the day before the Annual Alumni Association Meeting in 2017.
  • For each brother an alumni member recruits and has join the association by paying dues – he gains a point.
  • After joining the association the “new” members are eligible for the contest as well.
  • ANY brother who is not a current member of the association as of the start date is fair game for recruitment!
  • At the Annual Alumni Association Meeting in 2017 we will tally the points and award a winner, who will receive a $250 Visa Gift Card.
  • In the event of a tie, the names will be tossed into a hat and one will be drawn at random as the winner.

To help you get started here are some tips:

  • Recruit from your era, you shared a significant amount of time with the brothers in your pledge class, and those you lived with. Take a moment to reconnect with those guys and ask them to join the organization and enjoy being a part of the fraternal experience once again.
  • Call your big brother and work through your “family tree” and reconnect with the members that are partly responsible for you being a member of STG.
  • Call the guys you went on Spring Break with, rode trike with or just hung out with all the time – reliving the good old days is a good way to reconnect.
  • There are a lot of ways to recruit brothers and bring them back to the family, and it all starts with something as simple as a phone call.

One opportunity I want to highlight is coming up on July 23rd, when all past alumni are invited to experience an Association event free of charge, so they can see for themselves why they should make an investment and join the association. Please consider taking advantage of this opportunity, and invite them to bring their entire family to our “Family Day” event on July 23rd. Here is a link to get more information about family day. https://sigtau-deltatau.org/?p=329

Good luck and may the best man win.


Andrew Clark
STG – DT Founding Father
Delta Tau Alumni Association V.P. of Membership